I’ve started a new project called Notes For Engineers. It is a video training blog which will feature frequent updates of small learning pieces. A feature of these videos is a hideous pink colour scheme that is inspired by the giant pink post-it note that I am using in some of the videos.
I am going to do videos with people who are building infrastructure and who have experience to share. These are an interview format with a guest who explains a problem they solved or a piece of technology they have implemented. Some of these will be about new products or new ways of using products. I hope to learn a lot by producing these, hopefully you will too.
I have a series of videos in the pipeline that are about the basics of virtualization taken from workshops I do with operations teams who need to know about VMware. These are starting with a few videos about how VMware snapshots work and the issues around using snapshots. I’ll also look at thin provisioning and HA configuration. A lot of these videos are saving you from explaining the same thing to each team member who doesn’t specialise in virtualization, just send them to Notes For Engineers.
If you’d like to appear in a video let me know, the more people whose experience I can capture the better. If you have an idea for a tutorial on a virtualization basic then let me know. If you are a vendor looking to explain your product to the people who will build solutions with it then also get in touch with me. You can reach me as alastair@demitasse.co.nz
© 2014, Alastair. All rights reserved.