February Writing

February is the height of summer in New Zealand. We have had weeks of daytime highs hitting 80F (27C), and 90% humidity overnight. My Raspberry Pi with a temperature and humidity sensor shows a consistent pattern. With no air conditioning in our house, it is perfect weather for an afternoon siesta. Despite this, I managed to write a few articles here on my personal blog. I have also been getting some briefings from VDI monitoring vendors for an upcoming buyer’s guide on TechTarget.

Speaking of TechTarget, I took a look at some of the things you should do to prepare your environment after you decide to deploy a hyperconverged infrastructure.

I also wrote about seeing the Toshiba mobile zero clients. This was really a chance encounter at VMworl EMEA just as the solutions exchange was being shut down. The two guys from Toshiba were surprised to find someone who got excited about mobile zero clients and walked me through the product. The Toshiba website is very sparse on these products, probably because the market is very small.

Over on the Virtualization Practice, I commented on the trend that IoT is driving IT back on-premises as well as to the cloud. I have some thoughts about the kind of physical devices I think this will be, maybe I’ll write about that this month. On a related topic I looked at the possibility of having a serverless platform on premises, rather than the assumption that serverless means public cloud.

I did a bit of digging around alternative hypervisors and VDI and found that the only serious player is Nutanix, who need to have VDI integrated with their Acropolis hypervisor.

I also opened up on fake news, but not the kind that makes the headlines. I outlined where I see fake news in IT and the importance of understanding that bias is everywhere and everyone has an agenda to push (including me).

Looking forward into March, I will be at both the Sydney and Melbourne VMUG UserCons. We will be doing vBrownBag TechTalks as side tracks to both events and I am planning to do a few interviews with people I meet at the events. If you are at either then stop by and say Hi, I will be wearing a vBrownBag polo shirt and twirling my mustache.


© 2017, Alastair. All rights reserved.

About Alastair

I am a professional geek, working in IT Infrastructure. Mostly I help to communicate and educate around the use of current technology and the direction of future technologies.
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