Alastair’s Schedule

I am now committed full-time to the Futurum Group and no longer deliver training or offer independent consulting.

One Response to Alastair’s Schedule

  1. Christoph says:

    Hi Alastair,
    I found you blog recently as I started to use pyVmomi to automate some of our VMware setup. The article how to attach disc to a VM with SCSI Controllers was very helpful for me.
    Now I try to attach multiWriter discs to multiple VM’s.
    Did you ever have done this and may have an example on this ?
    I see here some problems and it did not work for me !

    I know we need to add a scsi controller with “SCSI bus sharing = virtual” and this disk needs to have the backing.sharing set but it did not work.
    You may have done this and has some hints or a sample on this, how does this work.

    Any answer is wellcome
    Thank you

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