I am very pleased to announce that a series of VCAP Brownbag sessions is being started for the APAC region.
For those who haven’t come across the ProfessionalVMware BrownBag they are a series of webinars started by Cody Bunch to help people prepare for VMware certification. At present Damian Karlson is running the VCP5 series in a time slot that suits US based attendees. Each session is an interactive discussion of an area of the exam curriculum, helping you to keep motivated to study and achieve certification.
The VCAP Brownbags were initiated by a past student on a course in Singapore, Iwan Rahabok is an SE with VMware in Singapore and will be presenting some of the sessions along with his colleagues.
We plan to cover the VCAP5-DCD certification first and will probably then move on to the VCAP5-DCA certification.
Live sessions will run at 6pm Sydney time every Thursday and the recording will be available for download after the event.
The current schedule is:
2 February – Overview, Design methodology and Business Requirements
9 February – Security Design
16 February – Storage Design (sure to be an entertaining session)
23 February – Network Design
You can register for the sessions on GoToMeeting at https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/505624097
If you’d like to lead one of the sessions please contact me (details on the about page), preparing to present is a great way to study!