You probably know that VMware has been rationalising it’s product lines into Datacentre Virtualization (DV), Cloud and End User Compute (DT in the certification names but EUC everywhere else). The certifications have also been aligned to the products, with VCP, VCAP and VCDX level certifications released or planned for each of these streams.
At the moment only the DV and Cloud streams have VCAP exams available, and the Cloud stream only has the Design exam so far. The Desktop Design VCAP exam has been through beta and should be released quite soon and the beta of the Cloud Admin VCAP has just finished so that exam should be available in a couple of months time.
One piece of news that came out at Partner Exchange last week was that the VCAP certifications can be used to cross from one stream to another. If you hold any current VCP level certification you can then take the VCAP exam in another stream and if you pass get that stream’s VCP as well as the VCAP. One exam to get two certifications is a great deal, also the VCP level is the only one that (to date) has a mandatory education requirement so a potential cost saving if you’re paying for your own prep.
I know I’m a bit biased as I make my living teaching the courses, but if you get the chance do attend the advanced courses that are suggested preparation for the VCAP exams. Particularly attend at least one Design Workshop if you are doing the design exams, knowing how VMware thinks about design is important for the exams.