Granite Containers in Kubernetes

Getting Granite to operate in containers wasn’t a huge deal, as I covered in my last post. Containers are a packaging mechanism; I still need an orchestration platform to run these containers in production. Kubernetes is the de facto standard for container orchestration, so I deployed K3S and started writing some manifest files. K3S is a lightweight way to deploy a Kubernetes cluster using as little as a single virtual machine or a whole scale-out cluster. I use it in my home lab for experiments before committing to use more resources on public cloud platforms.

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Granite in Containers

In my last post, I gave an outline of the Granite demonstration application and how I use Granite to create a production-like data centre workload across a group of VMs. I am migrating that workload to containers, Kubernetes, and the public cloud for a new project. I am taking a phased approach rather than pushing straight from on-premises VMs to cloud-based Kubernetes. The phased approach keeps the changes manageable and identifies which design considerations apply to each technology. The design considerations for VMs vs containers are separate from the Kubernetes and public-cloud Kubernetes considerations. This post will cover some migration activities and challenges moving from VMs to containers for the various elements of Granite.

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Faking Production for Education.

Most of my work as a trainer and analyst involves helping people learn about IT infrastructure. I like to use a storytelling teaching method based on real-world, hands-on deployment considerations. The problem is that real-world environments aren’t usually amenable to hands-on teaching. I have built a few demos and demo environments to support the storytelling. I think it’s time to tell the story of these storytelling tools, starting with the one I’m working on this month.


I built Granite to generate a workload that looks like users are accessing a business application I can run in a vSphere lab. I wanted all resource types exercised: CPU, network and storage. Multiple VMs working together is vital to generating these loads. I also wanted scalability to use the same framework to load my small lab at home and a larger environment such as the CTO Advisor hybrid cloud. Rapid deployment and re-deployment are important parts of a lab tool, so Granite needed automated deployment and central control. The efficiency of the actual code is not important; inefficient code that generates excessive load is more useful here than highly optimised code! This is a big difference between Granite and benchmarking tools, where performance is key, and production, where efficiency is vital. Granite is a data centre infrastructure noise generator!

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Can You Afford To Replace (or To Keep) VMware in Your Datacenter?

The packaging and pricing changes that Broadcom has made to the VMware product suite have left many customers wondering whether there is still value for money. These customers are often caught between the cost of keeping VMware in place and the cost of replacing it with another product or set of products. The first question mark is the cost of a replacement product. Usually, this pricing is confidential, just like the VMware pricing. I will have to focus on other considerations.

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Hello from the CTO Advisor

This year (2024) is shaping up to be a very exciting time. I have joined a few of my friends at the Futurum Group. You may recognize that name as where Keith Townsend took the CTO Advisor, and Stephen Foskett took Tech Field Day. It is also the home of the Evaluator Group and a few other smaller organizations that are much greater than the sum of their parts. But back to me, I am joining Keith as part of the CTO Advisor and working with the Signal65 Labs team. You will likely see me interviewing industry executives at conferences for the CTO Advisor and doing hands-on projects with interesting products and technologies.

I will continue to look at products through a lens of the complexity of real-world deployment: multiple products and vendors that need to work together, shortages of resources, challenges with people and internal politics. I look forward to having more science from the Signal65 Labs team; they have great experience in product evaluation and performance testing.

At this stage, neither vBrownBag nor Build Day Live are involved; they remain independent and community-focused. I think there will be some great opportunities for community technical expertise to be a foundation for educating others about these technical topics. As we have previously done, having vendors pay for creating the content allows you to consume and learn for free.

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Containers as Application Services?

I maintain that the real reason for AWS’s success is that it is a developer enablement platform. Many AWS services exist to enable developers to write code specific to the business problem they are trying to solve. Do you need a message queue? There is a service for that. Do you need an event broker? Guess what? There is a service for that too. By using these pre-built services, which are consumed through an API, it is easy to spend time writing the code specific to your business. Without the services, you spend more time writing code that implements technologies rather than business processes.

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Thousands of Containers Without Kubernetes?

Often marketing departments and analysts like buzzwords and want to hear every vendor using the popular buzzwords, whether they represent value or not. Kubernetes is a fantastic container orchestrator with its origins in Google and a footprint in every public and almost every private cloud in the world. But like any tool, Kubernetes is not the solution to all your problems, not even every possible container orchestration problem. Kubernetes is designed to orchestrate groups of containers within a single physical location. Each physical location needs its own Kubernetes cluster, often with three nodes as a control plane and more nodes for the workload. There are tools such as K3S that consolidate all the roles onto a single host, but a local Kubernetes cluster is still required to manage containers. Requiring a cluster per site isn’t a big issue at cloud scale, with many containers running at a relatively small number of locations. Managing a dozen clusters that each run thousands of containers is where Kubernetes excels.

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Mako Networks, I Haven’t Heard That Name In Years

I recognized the name Mako Networks as an innovative local company in New Zealand, although it had been a while since I heard the name. It turns out, the New Zealand company is now a Chicago company, but the development team remains in New Zealand. Mako Networks is one of the five companies presenting at Edge Field Day this week. The original Mako product was a centrally managed Internet and VPN router and that is still an element of the product. Current Make Networks products seem to be designed to accommodate the complexity of working in large organizations with multiple teams and external providers and very strict requirements around security and segregation of duties. Join me for the live stream of the Mako Networks session as well as all of the Edge Field Day sessions.

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The Scale Computing Edge

This week I will be at Edge Field Day in San Francisco, I’m looking forward to being back in person with my old and new Tech Field Day friends. Speaking of things that are both old and new, this will be my first proper chance to talk to Scale Computing about their complete transformation from an HCI provider to small businesses into a provider of edge computing for massive companies. The transition has been amazing. Small businesses with small budgets and generalist IT staff loved Scale Computing’s platform because it was cost-effective and mostly self-managing. Unsurprisingly, many edge use cases love a cost-effective platform that is largely self-managing, since they have no IT staff at the edge locations. The transformation has really been around how you scale the deployment and management of huge numbers of these cost-effective clusters. The last time I had an open discussion with Scale Computing (pre-covid, it has certainly been a while), they were getting the automated mass-deployment tooling together so I’m looking forward to hearing and seeing how it works now. I’m hoping to also hear about more application-centric tools as a lot of edge-compute deployments are driven by specific applications and the need to deliver those same applications to hundreds or thousands of locations. Join me for the live stream of the Scale Computing session as well as all of the Edge Field Day sessions.

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What is your edge?

Words mean things, so defining what I mean by some words is important. I talked with Charles Uneze about definitions of edge computing and feel that it is important to have a framework for discussing edge and its older cousin, the Internet of Things (IoT).  Our discussion was triggered by the upcoming Edge Field Day event.

Other Edges

I do want to limit this discussion to edge compute because edge means other things to other audiences. For example, edge networks have been a part of network design for many years, differentiating the edge where user devices connect from the core where centralized computing occurs. There is also quite a lot of overlap between my far-edge definition and the Remote Office/Branch Office (ROBO) category we have had for a while. The major difference with the edge is that IT staff almost never visit edge locations, whereas ROBO locations might get annual or quarterly visits from IT staff for updates and upgrades.

I tend to think of edge compute to handle applications that do not suit centralization because the network characteristics would impact the application if it were centralized. For example, network latency might mean an autonomous car took too long to recognize a hazard and crashed. Even worse, what if there was a network black spot & the car could not talk to the cloud service? There are also a lot of use cases where the cost of data transfer is high, so local processing can reduce the amount of data transferred and, therefore the overall cost. This distributed processing means that edge deployments usually comprise many almost identical deployments. Often the data generated or processed at edge locations will be persisted in a cloud or on-premises location to get more long-term value. The processing at the edge location is to make immediate decisions and to reduce the amount of data sent back to the central location. Even within edge compute, there is a lot of variation. I like the idea of dividing into near-edge, and far-edge compute, both of which pair well with IoT.


Near-edge is a data center with server racks, environmental control, physical security, and power protection. It isn’t your data center; it belongs to a service provider and has racks of servers belonging to other clients of the provider. It may be that the service provider is a telco or a hosting provider. Often the only IT staff that visit near-edge locations are the provider’s staff, they perform any rack and stack operations for you, and your IT staff may never enter these data centers. A near-edge location provides a general-purpose computing platform, often VMs and, increasingly, Kubernetes in VMs. Capacity planning for near-edge locations is usually trend based, with additional servers added if there is insufficient capacity.


Far-edge is not a data center; it can be hot and dusty; it might be in a public place like a photo printing kiosk, retail store counter, factory floor, or delivery truck. The computers at far-edge locations are smaller and more rugged to suit their location, with a hardware configuration that is dictated by the applications required at the location. A far-edge location might run a combination of VMs with installed software and containers. However, the resource requirements for Kubernetes might outweigh its value, so simple container deployment is more common at far-edge. The hardware at far-edge locations is expensive to upgrade or replace. Application updates or new applications often must fit inside the existing hardware configuration at the far-edge location. If there are staff at the far-edge location, they are your staff, but they are not IT staff; they might be a delivery driver or the oil drilling rig hands. When you have hundreds, or thousands, of far-edge locations, your IT staff should never need to go to these locations.


The Internet of Things (IoT) is a device, usually running a single application and generating or receiving data without human intervention. An air quality sensor, a temperature sensor, and a digital sign are all IoT devices. Often several of these IoT devices will generate data which is then consolidated and analyzed at an edge location. Because the device runs only a single application, the hardware configuration is driven by that application. An IoT device might be a microcontroller or an embedded PC with relatively limited compute power but also requiring little power and cooling.

Edge Population

Edge is highly distributed, with many sites and many devices. For example, an enterprise organization might have ten major on-premises data centers or be in a dozen public cloud locations. The same organization may have a hundred near-edge locations and several thousand far-edge locations with tens of thousands of IoT devices across these locations.

Simply calling something edge with no qualification isn’t very helpful. To understand solutions for edge requirements, it is important to recognize that edge isn’t a single thing, and more description and detail will be required. Hopefully, these definitions of near-edge, far-edge, and IoT will help frame a better discussion.

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